

The First Forum on Collaborative Development Between China Foundry Industry Association Standard and the International Standard



At the invitation of China Foundry Association, Mr. Su Zimeng, Executive Vice Chairman & Secretary-General of CCMA attended “The First Forum on Collaborative Development between China Foundry Industry Association Standard and the International Standard” on May 16, 2016, and exchanged the ideas with guests and representatives about how the association standards of CCMA can promote and help the construction machinery products to gain the international market.

Mr. Su in his speech pointed out: China construction machinery products in the international market are mainly exports to developing countries. First, the product is mainly the general trade exports, and basically if the product in line with the China’s standards or passed the certifications is no longer needs the test, and even smoother if there are CE certifications. Second, China has a large number of construction machinery exports, and mainly the major domestic engineering companies in overseas engineering contracting, and the most of the construction machinery products are for their own use, thereby strengthened the domestic China's standards and international standards of communication and convergence efforts. Third, the exports of foreign aid, the use of standards generally meet the relevant standards of aid countries. Fourth, major equipment exports and the procurement methods mainly are the international bidding. So there are very high standard requirements for enterprises. They are not only use relevant common standards and corporate standards, but also the application of the international advanced standards. In the above four kinds of export in the form of China's standards have played an important role in technology and quality, a strong support for China's construction machinery products to gain the bigger international market around the world.

At the same time, Mr. Su expressed his great honor that the CCMA could become the pilot group of the first batch of the association standards approved by Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China. The construction machinery industry and the subordinate branches of the CCMA have begun to actively carry out the works of association standards. He said that CCMA in the development of the association standards in the process must ensure the quality and make the published association standards can be applied and implemented.

Mr. Su concluded that the next step of CCMA is to promote the association standards and certifications of CCMA to the five related international associations, while the CCMA will continue to promote existing association standards of construction machinery in developing countries. There are 470 international standards, 526 industry standards and 45 association standards those totaling 1041 standards that are related to construction machinery industry. In the future, CCMA will strengthen cooperation with the China Foundry Association, and jointly promote the internationalization of China’s standards.



Mr. Su Zimeng, Executive Vice Chairman & Secretary-General of CCMA

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China Construction Machinery Association